Factors affecting survival in endometrial cancer patients were aimed to be investigated.
Material and Methods:
Survival, age, histopathologic diagnosis, stage, grade and lymphovascular space involvement of 172 endometrial cancer patients operated in Zeynep Kamil Hospital between 2001-2010 years were analyzed retrospectively. All patients were staged according to 1988 FIGO criteria. The effect of prognostic factors on 5 years survival rate and overall survival was evaluated.
Results and Conclusion:
Five years survival of 52 patients whom were operated at least 5 years ago was 76.9%. There were significant effect of histological type, LVI and LN metastasis on five years survival rate. Furthermore; surgical staging, histological type, grade, LVI, LN metastasis and degree of myometrial invasion were found to be significant factors effected overall survival.