Adnexal mass in pregnancy is a rare situation in daily clinical practice. Also, there is no consensus about the management of the adnexal mass diagnosed during pregnancy.
In this study,we retrospectively identified adnexal mass which was diagnosed during antenatal follow-up or cesarean section between 2000-2009 in Başkent University Hospital,Department of Obstetrics&Gynecology.Labor&delivery unit database, hospital records and pathology reports were evaluated in order to retrive the age of patients, number of gravida and parity, initial symptoms, the gestational age and the diameter of cyst, antenatal complications, time of delivery birth weight, indication of cesarean delivery, the type of surgical intervention during cearean delivery and pathology of the cyst.
We identified 27 pregnancy complicated with adnexal masses among the 2150 delivery ( 1.25%). Among these,25 of 27 pregnants were asymptomatic (92,6%) while just 2 pregnant women came with the complaint of pain. In 2 of the patients (7,4%) the cyst was known before the pregnancy while in 6 pregnant women (22,4%) the cyst was diagnosed during antenatal care. Also, rest of the women (n=19, 70,4%) were diagnosed during cesarean. The 3 of the cysts (11,1%) was smaller than 6 cm while another 3 of the cysts (11,1%) was greater than 6 cm. Cesarean and cystectomy was performed in 23 of this women. On the other hand, 2 of them had cesarean and unilateral ooferectomy.Pathologic examinations reported as; 6(22,2%) dermoid cyst, 3 (11,1%) endometrioma, 4(14,8%) seros cystadenoma, 3(%11.1) Morgagni cyst, 4(%14.8) mucinous cyst, 3(%11.1) follicular cyst, 2(%7.4) siderophagic cyst, 1(%3.7) fibrom, 1 (%3.7) thecoma.
Most of the adnexal masses diagnosed during antenatal period or cesarean section is benign. Therefore, if there is no sign of malignancy it can be conservatively managed during pregnancy and cesarean section.