Results of 15 Years Semen Analysis in a Training Hospital Andrology Laboratory
Clinical Investigation
P: 65 - 69
March 2012

Results of 15 Years Semen Analysis in a Training Hospital Andrology Laboratory

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2012;9(1):65-69
1. University Of Gaziantep, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Histology And Embriology
2. Bakirkoy Maternity And Children Diseases Hospital, Department Of Infertility
3. University Of Gaziantep, Institute Of Health Sciences, Deartment Of Statistics
No information available.
No information available



Changes and definitions of the semen values of male partners of infertile couples referred by Infertility clinic to the andrology laboratory in 15 years period.

Materials and methods:

Between January 1995 and July 2009, 9327 semen samples of 6780 male patients were analyzed at Bakırköy Maternal and Children’s Health Education and Research Hospital, Department of Infertility Andrology laboratory. Analysis made prior to 2000 were according to the World Health Organization (WHO) manual of 1992, while those made after 2000 WHO manual of 1999. Morphology was evaluated according to Kruger-strict criteria. All of semen analysis were performed by one doctor ( MD Ph.D.)who has a certification of ART laboratory.


Annual distribution of 9327 analyses: 293 in 1995, 492 in 2000, 715 in 2002, 1217 in 2007, 1122 in 2008, 634 in 2009. The percentage of normospermic samples reduced gradually from 1995 to 1999 after that it persisted in a stable line. It was noted that the percentage of oligoastenoteratozoospermic samples (OAT) was increased, despite a reduction in teratozoospermies in 2004, it steadily started to increase again in 2007, and the the percentage of azoospermic sample continued at the same level. Of 6780 patients 35% normospermic, 4% azospermic and 57% teratozoospermic distribution were noticed.


The number of semen analysis and the number of patients that were referred to andrology laboratory for semen analyses regularly increased every year. The explanation of this increase was associated with the change of the Social Security coverage rules (SGK). First reduction and than steady levels of normospermia and the increase of OAT and teratozoospermia, could be associated with intrauterine insemination which is increasingly performed in our unit and assisted reproductive techniques (ART).

Infertility, Spermogram, Andrology