Learning folliculogenesis ve menstrual changes thoroughly is of paramount importance in order to understand and approach a wide range of gynecologic disorders in a contemporary manner. Development of follicles, selection of the dominant follicle and ovulation along with synchronized endometrial changes are prerequisites for normal reproductive function and perpetuation of species. An orchestrates of stimulatory and inhibitory signals originating from hypothalamus, hypophysis and the ovaries and their well balanced actions are required for this function. Quiescent primordial follicles are recruited as primary follicles, which continue to grow until they reach gonadotropin responsive antral stage where after another wave of cyclic recruitment occurs to select a cohort of antral follicles for further growth, dominance and ovulation. What triggers the initiation of growth in primordial follicles remained a mystery for decades. But now a growing body of evidence suggests that rather than a single hormone or signaling pathway an orchestrate of many signals arising from different compartments in the ovary such oocyte, granulosa and theca cells and stroma coordinate the activation of primordial follicles and the early stages of follicle growth. Furthermore these locally produced hormones can modify the response of the growing follicles to gonadotropins; may act as luteinization inhibitors at later stages of follicle growth; and thence may influence the success of assisted reproduction techniques in human. In response to gonadal sex steroids secreted by growing and dominant follicles prepare endometrium for a possible conception along with a laundry list of locally produced factors in the endometrium. We aimed in this article is to provide one of the most comprehensive update on folliculogenesis, menstrual changes and implantation.