Mastalgia prevalence and effects of methylxanthine contain foods on symptoms of mastalgia
Clinical Investigation
P: 207-211
September 2008

Mastalgia prevalence and effects of methylxanthine contain foods on symptoms of mastalgia

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2008;5(3):207-211
1. Yuzuncu Yil Üniversity Medical Faculty, Department Of Obtetrics & Gynecology Van
2. Yuzuncu Yil Üniversity Medical Faculty, Department Of Family Medicine Van
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To evaluate the prevalance of maltalgia and, the effects of methylxsanthine contains food on frequency and severity of mastalgia.


Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Yüzüncü Yıl University Medical Faculty and first, forth Healthcare Centers, Van


1795 women, aged between 15-44 years were inter wieved the complaint of mastalgia. The severity of mastalgia was scored as mild, moderate and severe. The severity of mastalgia were also questioned by consumption ferquency of tea, coffee, cola and chocalate.


Of these 1795 women, 797 (44.4 %) have breast pain, while 998(55.6 %) haven't breast pain, 539 (67.6 %) of these 797 women with breast pain have mild, 157 (19.7 %) have moderate, 101 (12.6 %) have severe mastagia. Mastalgia of these women, in 324 (40.6 % ) during menstrual time, in 281(35.3 %) during luteal phase, while in 192 (24 %) was reported during proliferative phase. There wasn't significant relation between breast pain and coffee, cola, chocalate consumption frequency There was not significant relation between breast pain and coffee, cola, chocalate consumption frequency (p=0.061).


The prevalance (44.4 %) of mastalgia in aur region was similar with literature. The complaint of breast pain was much higher in women with drinking tea than women with not drinking tea, but this difference wasn't statistically significant (p=0.066). There was not any statistically significant relation between breast pain and coffee, cola, chocalate consumption (p=0.061).

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