Are the criteria of metabolic syndrome associated with pregnancy complications?
Clinical Investigation
P: 100 - 106
June 2011

Are the criteria of metabolic syndrome associated with pregnancy complications?

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2011;8(2):100-106
1. Haseki Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Gynecology And Obstetrics, Istanbul
2. Haseki Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Biochemistry, Istanbul
3. Haseki Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Internal Medicine, Istanbul
No information available.
No information available



We aimed to compare the components of metabolic syndrome in cases with various pregnancy complications and normal pregnancies.

Materials and Methods:

Ninety two cases after 26. gestational week which were followed up in our clinic were included in the study. The rate of the presence of the factors of metabolic syndrome in 40 healthy pregnant women, 21 cases of gestational hypertention, 20 cases of gestational diabetes and 11 cases of preeclampsia were compared. Fasting serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL cholesterol levels were determined.The insulin resistance was calculated with HOMA-IR.


Mean levels of BMI were significantly higher in the group of pregnancy complications (GHT 33±5.1, preeclampsia 30.3 ±7.1, GDM 32.1±6.4, and controls 29.2±4.2 kg/m2; P=0.045). Mean leves of fasting serum glucose were also significantly higher in this group (GHT 80.5±16, preeclampsia 94.4±24, GDM 90.3±26, and controls 78.6±10 mg/dL; P=0.023). In the goups with complications mean levels of triglyceride were higher (GHT 267.7±61.5, preeclampsia 290.7±76.6, GDM 221.4± 81.3, and controls 218.3±45mg/dL; P=0.003). Mean levels of HDL did not show any significant difference. The rate of the cases with metabolic syndrome according either to the criteria of WHO (GHT %14.2, Preeclampsia %45.2, GDM %40, and controls %2.5; p=0.001) or NCEP-ATPIII (GHT %38, Preeklampsi %45.4, GDM %40, kontrol grubunda %0; p=0.001) was significantly higher in the groups of complications.


We found that the criteria of metabolic syndrome and the rates of cases with MS were significantly higher in the groups of pregnancy complications compared with normal pregnancies. This finding indicates the relationship between both events. These cases have high risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in later life.

Preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, obesity