Case Report

Rupture of rudimentary uterine horn pregnancy: A case report

  • Arzu Koç Bebek
  • Inci Davas
  • Atif Akyol
  • Ahmet Varolan
  • Ali Yazgan
  • Duygu Yardim

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2010;7(2):62-65

Although pregnancy in a rudimentary uterine horn is rare, the correct diagnosis of this condition on routine sonographic examination is critical, because its natural history usually involves the rupture of the pregnant horn during the second trimester, resulting in life-threatening bleeding. Management usually consists of excision of the rudimentary horn with the pregnancy and the ipsilateral tube, traditionally by laparotomy We present a case of an 20-week pregnancy in a rupture rudimentary horn with a nonviable fetus,because of diagnostic difficulty,improtance of these anomalies and metods of early diagnosis.

Keywords: Pregnancy in a rudimantery horn, diagnostic difficulty, management