

  • Ercan Yilmaz
  • Fatih Sendag

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2024;21(1):0-0

Dear Colleagues,

We welcome you back in 2024 with the first issue of the year. I am grateful to our referees and editorial board for their hard workon our March issue. In this issue, our publications are mainly on reproductive endocrinology and oncology. I believe that theeffect of intrauterine insemination on endometrial damage and the evaluation of endometrial receptivity in recurrent pregnancyloss will be of interest to you. I also believe that our novel article on the prediction of lymphovascular invasion in early-stageendometrial cancer in oncology will be enthusiastically read.I would also like to state that we have been working intensively to enhance the international prestige of our journal. Since thepublication of our June 2024 issue, we have been planning to apply for inclusion in the DOAJ index, a prestigious and re-putableindex. We have organized and developed our entire infrastructure for this matter.We are confident that the March issue will be read with great enthusiasm by esteemed obstetricians and gynecologists, and wehave already started working on the June issue. With respects and regards.

Ercan Yilmaz, Prof. MD
Fatih Sendag, Prof. MD